Let’s not kid ourselves, After Burner is our guilty pleasure, strapped into the seat at the arcades, feverishly flinging the joystick about not knowing what the hell was going on, just trying to hang on for dear life! Good times. I wasn’t a big fan of the NES version of After Burner but loaded the “sequel” up full of anticipation. I mean, an extra 8-
The fighter jets all look fantastic, including yours which is doubly important. They swing through the air as you’d expect them to. The theme of your HUD so to speak is nice, the US Navy/Top Gun crew/any kid in military school would be very proud.
The backdrops are sketchy, but as everyone who’s seen Top Gun will testify, blue sky + Kelly McGillis = good enough for a dogfight. The sound is, patchy, and I say it’s patchy due to one thing. Some smart alec has decided that it’s best to have the gun on the plane fire ALL THE TIME.
You have to manually choose option 4 of 4 for the control option to opt when to shoot your Vulcan gun. Leaving it on leaves a nasty burrrrring noise for the entire game. However, when you start to play the game, and when in fact you reset the gun setting, you realise why the auto-
Like the original coin-
With a little invention, a few varied levels and some mammoth bosses, this could have worked. The sheer repetition however, should stay in the arcades.
Garbage review.
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