I picked up a Switch during the COVID pandemic and it’s hands-down the best hardware purchase I’ve made since the PS2 (yeah, I said it). Another bonus of the console is the ability to play your favourite Nintendo retro games for under £2 a month. Bearing this in mind, our Andy (aka UKNESBoy) has compiled this top ten of the best underrated NES games on the Nintendo Switch Online service, enjoy!
Bah humbug
New year equals new resolutions. It might be to exercise more, travel the world, discover new experiences or – for some – it might be to experience new games on systems we know and love. Should this highly specific resolution apply to you but you’re not sure where to start then fear not, help is at hand!
On the Nintendo Switch’s Online service there’s of course the chance to play old-school NES titles that we all know and love. However, if you’re yawning at the thought of rescuing the Princess, zonking out at the idea of defeating Ganon (again) and barfing at the idea of poor sports titles then fear not! For below are ten titles on the service you may not have considered but are worthy of your time and attention – you might even find a new favourite!
10. Crystalis
Certainly not spoken about in the same way as more popular games like the Legend of Zelda or Final Fantasy, that shouldn’t deter you from giving Crystalis a try. Set in the not-so-distant 2097 you have to find the legendary sword in order to defeat the villain here Draygon.
With a deep narrative and gameplay mechanics that are enjoyable and interesting it is worthy of being an underrated title worthy of your time (if this genre is your jam).
9. Star Soldier
I’ve already reviewed Star Soldier but for the unitiated it’s a vertical scrolling shooter akin to the more famous Gradius although never released in Europe.
Hard as nails but slightly more forgiving when taking damage than Gradius, it’s certainly a title for those looking for a challenge and who enjoy vertical space shooters.
8. Mighty Bombjack
A unique offering from the team at Tecmo and one of the older titles on the list, this arcade-style platformer has you collecting/diffusing bombs whilst navigating through levels to rescue the royal family.
Not the easiest of titles (like a lot of NES games) but again, if you’re tired of the standard/popular games this is worth an hour of your precious time!
7. Journey To Silius
Another game on the list that will test your gaming capabilities, Journey To Silius is a sci-fi themed side scroller with tight controls, great gameplay and an even more exquisite soundtrack. Having said that, the game was developed by Sunsoft so would you expect anything less?
Taking the role of Jay McCray you’re on a mission to destroy the terrorist group who were responsible for his father’s death, so smite your enemies as best as you can. You might need to make use of save states and the rewind feature should that be your bag but definitely worthy of a play. And if you don’t do it for yourself, do it for Jay!
6. Blaster Master
With its unique mix of side-scrolling and top-down gameplay, your character drives a high-tech powerhouse of a car that you occasionally leave to explore caves and dungeons.
Incorporating different styles and gameplay, the game feels ahead of its time and is a refreshing title that surprises along the way. Not too often talked about but a worthy number six in this list of underrated NES games on the online service.
5. S.C.A.T – Special Cybernetic Attack Team
With the longest name on this top ten – Special Cybernetic Attack Team or just S.C.A.T for short, is a fast paced run-and-gun title set in 2029 (four years away? arrgh! – Ed).
The premise? Gunning and running. There’s something infinitely satisfying in letting your mind rest by almost endlessly destroying enemies. With a two-player option, you can get your friend or loved one (although the two are not mutually exclusive of course) on a couch and kick butt!
Much in the same vein as Contra but with the added bonus of unlimited continues if you get killed. Joy!
4. Shadow of the Ninja
Whether you know it as Shadow of the Ninja or whether you know it as Blue Shadow (particularly in Europe and Australia), this title is a side scrolling platformer set in 2029 and can be played simultaneously with two players.
Sounds very similar to a game I just mentioned but along with your standard platforming controls you get added features like hanging on to a ledge and moving underneath it.
Consisting of five levels with fourteen stages it’s certainly a title to get your teeth into and for unleashing your inner ninja! Just be careful to not get too excited if you’re playing with a friend unless as you’ll end up unleashing your inner ninja on them!
3. Wario’s Woods
Officially the last game released on the NES in North America, this match-three type puzzle game not only looks beautiful but also plays like a charm.
You control a toad at the bottom of the screen that moves not only the bombs but also enemies as well. A bit like Dr Mario but without the pills and jazzy music.
A tough game with not the most straightforward controls, but persevere and you’ll be rewarded with satisfying gameplay and finally scratching that puzzle-game itch that (gaming) viruses and pills cannot reach.
2. Vice: Project Doom
Do you fancy a game that incorporates side-scrolling platforming, gun shooting and driving segments? Who doesn’t! Well if that be the case the Vice: Project Doom is the ticket (plus how cool is that title – Ed).
You’d be forgiven for thinking that (based on the first level) it’s only a driving game but you’d better strap yourself in because there are 11 stages to complete in your quest to uncover a conspiracy involving a new type of alien substance.
Well, it saves having to defeat terrorist groups or rescuing princesses. What also makes this game special is the large number of cut-scenes throughout that flesh out the plot. More involved and deep then a vertical space shooter (or mushroom-eating plumber you may know), the mix of game styles and art direction make it a unique title on the service that is worth a shot.
And now we’ve had our runner-up in our list of the most underrated NES games on the service, the award for best game goes to…
1. StarTropics
If ever you wondered what a game like Legend of Zelda would be like in a tropical setting (and no some of the islands of Wind Waker don’t count) then you’re pretty much on to what StarTropics is all about.
Set in a 2D top-down perspective akin to other RPG titles of the day, StarTropics mixes all of the ingredients from more generic RPG games (as well as from Zelda) to create a special game with gorgeous graphics and a nice soundtrack.
A fun fact for you – the physical release came with an actual letter that when dipped in water revealed a hidden code in order to progress in the game. How cool is that? Not something you see these days but if you need the code to continue and don’t have the physical letter, let’s just say it is *ahem* 747 *ahem*. Although you didn’t read that here.
If you enjoyed Andy’s list of the most underrated NES games on the Nintendo Switch Online service, head to our NES homepage for more Nintendo-related fun.