Well, the time has come for Dyl and Adrian’s final chat about these legendary CD peripherals (mainly because Adrian has run out of Jag CD games).
This week takes focus on the Jag conversions of Myst and certain quick-time (real-time?) event games whilst Dylan has had a lot of “fun” with Sega’s foray into FMV gaming.
We also have a chat about the Jag SD and Mega SD solutions which mean you never need to own a Jag or Mega CD. But why would you do that? 😉
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Hello. I used to have Braindead 13. Had it for many years even though I didn’t have a Jag CD. Last year I finally got a Jag CD and I finally got to play it. I played it back in the 90’s on my cousin’s Sega Saturn so I had some recollection of the gameplay.
Anyway, the game is not that fun. If you like trial and error. You might like it, but there are times when I’m sure I pressed the right button and I’ll still die and have to redo the sequence.
I later sold this game on eBay and it fetched a lot of coin. Sure, it’s bit of a collector’s item but I’d rather have games that I enjoy playing on my shelf than games that just sit there gathering dust…
Thanks for the comment, Derek! Ah, that’s sad to hear. Think Adrian is looking forward to acquiring a copy