Capcom are clever people. So clever that they decided not to have anything to do with the NES version of what is one of the most important SNES titles ever released. The fact that this version was produced by Hummer and published by Yoko Soft really tells you everything you need to know. Getting SF2 to the 16-
Hummer haven’t animated it, it’s a still of two guys facing off but the guy in the white tee doesn’t deck the other guy. The first thing you’ll notice is that half of the characters have been culled (culled –
Both sprites will blur straight away meaning collision detection (extremely ruddy important, especially in a fighting game) is almost non existent. The kick and punch buttons feel unresponsive and the only special moves you’ll be able to pull off is the hadoken (of course!), The helicopter kick and Chun-
The game is ridiculously quick with the CPU pulling off special moves left right and centre. What you’ve signed up for is to be a punching (and kicking) bag. And the sound, even for the NES it is awful. Your character wouldn’t be able to punch his/her way out of a paper bag so the bag-
Crikey O’Relly, SF2 wasn’t intended for the NES and my should it have stayed that way.