Blockbuster Rental Gaming Chat

Arcade Attack Podcast – April (2 of 2) 2023 – Rental Gaming Chat

**Watch the YouTube video if you want to see our “lovely” faces**

James hosts a blockbuster of an episode where we look at our early gaming rental video stories. Some of the memories are extremely happy, whereas others open up old wounds of scathing employees and accusations of shoplifting!

Plus an old friend and supporter of the podcast makes his Arcade Attack podcast debut! Steve spills the beans about what life was like working at Blockbuster in the early 2000s and reveals all the secrets of the much loved company! We also look at the rise and fall of Blockbuster and the overall rental market.

Fancy discussing this podcast? Fancy suggesting a topic of conversation? Please tweet us @arcadeattackUK and catch us on Facebook or Instagram.

You can download the podcast on iTunes here, Spotify here, download on Stitcher here, Podbean here or stream it below:

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